Thursday, August 16, 2007

We never get tired of taking pictures of AnaBelle

There hasn't been much going on with us over the past few weeks. Both Ritchell and I are working to save up for my last semester in school. It will be nice to make our final tuition payment and not have to worry about it again.

We have been taking lots of pics of AnaBelle. She's just so cute, we can't stop taking pics. :)

Sorry...we just can't help it. :) She is such a good baby. She is sleeping most of the night now only waking up once to eat, usually after 6-8 hours. It has been nice to catch up on sleep.

She is also very responsive to sounds and smiles a lot when she sees mommy and daddy. :) She likes to talk as well, as you saw from the video in my previous post. We're thinking her eyes might eventually be either blue/gray or hazel. It looks like right now she has a light green inner ring and the outer ring is blue/gray.

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