Sunday, September 9, 2007

4th Anniversary, Baby's Blessing, 1st Week of School

Four years ago this past week, Ritchell and I were married. September 6th, 2003 was the best day of my life up to that point. Ritchell and I were married in the Salt Lake temple at 10am that day. After the wedding ceremony, we walked around temple square and had many pictures taken. I remember it was pretty hot that day, especially in a tux. After the wedding, we went out for mexican food for lunch. We then prepared for the reception which was held in Spanish Fork. I remember it like it was yesterday.

We celebrated our fourth anniversary by going out to dinner together. It has been the best four years of our lives. I can't believe it's been four years already! We also can't believe that we're parents now too. We love being together and love each other more and more everyday. We hope to have many, many more anniversaries together.

Also this past week, we had AnaBelle's baby blessing. Thanks to all of those who attended and sorry also that some of you could not make it. After the blessing last week, we had a brunch at our house. It was good to spend time with friends and family. AnaBelle's dress was made by one of Ritchell's co-workers, who gave the dress to us for free.

I also started my last semester at BYU this past week. It feels good to have the end in sight. I am excited to finally be done with school soon. I have been thinking though lately that I might go back to school after a few years to get an MBA. I think that would really benefit my career.

Of course...we have more cute pics of AnaBelle to share.
At this time 7 years ago, I was still in the MTC. I was learning Tagalog. After reading some of my journal entries, I can tell that at this point I was starting to really feel the effects of working at the language and having fun at it too. I was starting to get really tired too, as the MTC really doesn't give you more than a few hours a week of free time. The tired feeling never really went away for the rest of the 2 years I was away. It's not something you really have time to think about though.

Last night we went to a "Back to School" BBQ held at our best friend's, Pat & Shala's. It was nice to get out. They have a pool at their house, so I went swimming with them. We also had a good time with our friends. After most of the guests left, we stayed and watched Nacho Libre with them. Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures while we were there.

1 comment:

ROAST said...

Dan I do have a blog now kinda I guess. Still trying to decide if I'll make it official. Click on my name to find it.