Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Birthday - AnaBelle and Jordan!

Daddy and Vanessa taking a Sunday afternoon nap

AnaBelle taking a Sunday afternoon nap
On Tuesday night, we had a birthday party for AnaBelle's 4th birthday!  It was a small party with just us and Grandma and Grandpa.  We had a simple dinner of tacos and then some cake, strawberries, and ice cream.

Princess AnaBelle on her birthday!  We can't believe she's already 4!

Grandma gave them paints for Ana's birthday

Daddy got Ana some more princess puzzles

Our cute girls
The birthday party was cut short because Mommy started having contractions that were 3 to 5 minutes apart, so we headed to the hospital.
Mommy checked into the hospital
After some time on the monitors and waiting for our doctor to finish delivering other babies, we were admitted and scheduled for the C-section.  Our original schedule was July 2nd, but it looks like our baby boy had different plans!
Jordan Gabriel Steinmetz - June 21, 2011 - 11:53 pm - 5 lbs 14 oz
On the scale...tiny boy of 5lbs 14oz

Good job Mommy!  Meet your new son Jordan!

Pondering the situation

Mommy holding Jordan for the first time!
Proud papa!

Big sisters holding their new baby brother!
Proud Grandpa!
Lola feeding her apo!

Grandma holding Jordan!

Cute kid
This is Daddy's baby photo.  Any resemblance?

We are very excited to have Jordan!  He is a very quiet little boy.  He sleeps most of the time and doesn't fuss much except during diaper changes and if he gets really hungry.

Thank you everyone who has helped us out watching kids and entertaining them while we welcomed baby Jordan into the world! What a coincidence that he happened to come on AnaBelle's birthday! 


PatShala said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so excited for your beautiful family. Way to go Rachelle! We wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

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Brilliant post. Nice information. Thanks for sharing.

Whitney B. said...

YOur family is really cute. These are some really great pics, thanks for sharing.