In June, Ritchell's dad passed away after having a stroke in May and other health complications from diabetes. We miss him very much and will always cherish the memories and great example he was!
Tatay Gabriel and AnaBelle, January 2008 |
Our last goodbye at the Davao airport, January 2008 |
Here are some other updates from this spring and summer---not in any particular order.
We had an informal mission reunion this summer with the Oller and Sebresos families! It was great to have them over and to catch up.
The 'ders! (and future 'der Ethan) |
By their fruits ye shall know them.... |
Hunter & Yolanda Sebresos, Dan & Ritchell Steinmetz, Ledrich & Angelina Oller |
The kiddos sitting on the floor watching TV |
Dan & Brother Inlayo |
We had a great visit this spring with the Inlayo family as they dropped of their son at the MTC!
Bugoy! |
Beautiful 'Nessa with her red teddy |
Cheese! |
Prettiest girl in the world! |
The Inlayos! |
Easter fun! |
More Easter fun! |
Vanessa turned 3 in May! A month later she finally decided she didn't want to be in diapers any more! Our little girl is growing so fast! She is so special to us. We just love her huge personality!
AnaBelle blowing bubbles at 'Nessa's 3rd birthday party |
Birthday girl blowing bubbles |
3 years old! |
Mmmmmm |
We're very proud of our preschool graduate! Ana with her awesome preschool teachers. |
Jordan finally got some teeth |
AnaBelle turned 5 and Jordan turned 1 last month! This year was the first joint birthday party for the two of them! They are both growing so fast. We can't believe we have a 5 year old already! Ana is so smart and always learning. She is very artistic and loves to color....crayons, markers, chalk. She especially loves to spend time with her cousins.
Ana's pretty pose---this is at her and Jordan's birthday party |
Love this girl! |
Cheese! |
Jordan finally pushed some teeth out. He is not quite walking yet, but getting close. He loves to play and giggle. We are so blessed to have him around!
The birthday boy, Jordan at his first birthday party |
Cute kid |
My awesome cousin Rachel and two of her boys |
Grandpa and Bugoy takin' a snooze at the party |
Ana swinging at the birthday "pinata" |
Family pic at the double birthday party |
Our kids' second cousins |
Another pretty pose from the birthday girl |
Aubrey, Camille, and Mom |
Ana after the party in her new pajamas |
Mommy painted Ana's face again |
Mischief |
Ganda no? |
Jordan's pogi pose |
Ana at a neighbor's b-day party |
The kids swimming on the deck |
Lola and the girls at Lola's birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse! |
Love these kids! |
Jordan sportin' his new BYU hat! |
Up to no good |
New Sunday suit! |
In February, I put in my application to the BYU MBA program. I studied for months to take the GMAT. I took it and thought that my score wasn't enough to get me into the program, so I decided to study and take it a second time. Just before I was scheduled to take it a second time, I was invited in for an interview with the core supply chain management faculty. I took the GMAT again and ended up with the same score as the first attempt! It was very frustrating, but the next day I had my interview and then later that week found out that I was accepted anyway!
I found out at the end of April that I was accepted into BYU's MBA program! |
We are excited for this new adventure in life. I will be headed back to school mid August.